Crawford Electric

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License # EC13002649
Electrical Contractor in Jacksonville, FL

Whether you’re looking for ceiling fan installation or more significant electrical work at your property, you can get the service you need from Crawford Electric. As an electrical contractor in Jacksonville, we’re ready to do the jobs you need to be done. Our work is safe and efficient and meets all current building codes and regulations.

Certified and Experienced Professionals

We have decades of experience that we call upon to help our customers at Crawford Electric. We have the solution if you have issues with the fixtures and outlets at your home. You can count on us to ensure electricity flows safely and efficiently throughout your home. 

We can easily take care of all the small jobs, such as installing a new light fixture, just as effectively as we can handle a significant electrical wiring and panel installation project. 

As an electrical repair company at Crawford Electric, we keep up to date with the latest building codes so that all the work we do for our customers is fully compliant and certifiable. We always take the utmost care to ensure our work is safe and thorough and keep our job sites clean and tidy. 

Contact us today to book an electrician to handle your electrical repairs, installations, and replacements. Our team works throughout the region, and we’ll happily add you to our list of satisfied customers.