Crawford Electric

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License # EC13002649

Contact Us to Hire a Qualified Electrician in Jacksonville

Seek help from an electrician in Jacksonville when you experience trouble with your house's wiring or electrical panels. Electricity is dangerous, so make safety your first consideration and ask the professionals from Crawford Electric for repair services.

You can have full faith and confidence in an electrician from our company. We hold a state license and have more than 30 years of experience in the business. Let us take care of your home electrical needs, including repair, installation, or replacement of wiring, lighting, exhaust fans, and breaker panels. 

When to Call an Electrician

You know to call an electrical contractor when you need something installed, or there's a problem you cannot ignore. However, do you know the less apparent warning signs of electrical trouble? To avert a crisis, you should contact us when you experience these red flags:

Strange Buzzing Sounds: Odd noises might not seem like they signal the need for electrical repair, but you could have loose screw terminals or a wiring issue. 

Dim or Flickering Lights: Poor illumination could mean that your wiring is damaged or deteriorating—or that your circuits are overloaded. 

Tripping Circuit Breakers: It's typically not a big deal if your circuit breaker trips once. However, you must talk to an electrical contractor if the same breaker keeps tripping. 

Burning Smell: If you smell burning near an outlet or appliance, turn off its power at the circuit breaker panel and call for help immediately. 

Visible Sparks: You might think that a few sparks by your outlet aren’t a big deal, but they are a fire hazard that requires electrical repair ASAP. 

Small Shocks: A small shock may seem like a small problem, but it means the electricity is escaping from the outlet, and you probably have faulty wiring.

Keeping You in Power

Electricity keeps your house and all its appliances and electronics functioning at peak efficiency. Just think of the times when you've lost power. It became nearly impossible to accomplish anything. You can't cook, do laundry, or even shower (no hot water). This is how dependent we are. 

A similar concern applies to the devices that supply power to all of your devices. Faulty wiring interrupts service and poses the threat of fire. A breaker panel needing an update can't get electricity to all of your appliances, so you may have to decide which you need the most.

You don't have to settle for inconveniences. Instead, reach out to our electrician for a free estimate.

(904) 990-5464

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Service Area
Jacksonville, Ponte Vedra, Jacksonville Beach, Neptune Beach, Atlantic Beach, Palm Valley, Nocatee


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